Purity Masitsa
2 min readMar 2, 2021

Ask One million people to describe beauty and you will get one million answers. You probably also have your own way of describing beauty. Some answer will base on physical appearance, character and personality. However way you choose to look at it we are entitled to our own opinions. It is a free world after all. In some instances we are quick and harsh when making our decisions and judgment because we do not take time to analyze things. It’s like all that really matters nowadays is the first impression, which has so many people working hard to put up a show which they probably won’t keep up with.

This first impression has had a few other who would really have been of great asset given the chance to prove that, locked out. Unlucky for them it is the First impression that leaves a mark on people for the longest time. Critically looking at our lives we are attracted to what captivates the eyes. What if there is more to what meets the eyes? Similarly we turn our backs on things that at the very beginning look like they are not going to be of value to us. Even our dreams are aborted even before they reach out to the world the reason is we are too quick to judge and critic even ourselves.

Who would ever imagine that out of a caterpillar which isn’t so pleasing to look at something as beautiful as a butterfly would emerge? In my previous article I wrote of how I disliked caterpillars and sometimes end up killing them until I learned the truth .If we all for some reason keep killing the caterpillar (the ugly stage) then we definitely won’t have any butterflies flying around. We all have to go through our ugly stages; where things are going so wrong, make sacrifice and keep embracing the changes that come our way. In the same way we also have our worst side just like a coin we have to sides. It is good to see beyond the bad and find the beauty that all of us possess. Trust me if you look close enough you will find it.

In a nutshell, it is about time that we look at things with the mindset of could there be more to this and allow ourselves to get to know people. Even with our dreams look at what is in it for you in the long run and allow yourself go through the ugly stage as you prepare for the eventual outcome. Everything in life has a beautiful side to it.There is hidden beauty in the ugliness.

